
How To Produce Disinfectant And The Ingredients To Be Used

Easy way to produce Detergents, Liquid soaps, Antiseptics in small and large quantity- Some families spent lot of money on antiseptic or Disinfectant today just because they lack the simple knowledge of how to produce it themselves. From my owe idea, am going to break the procedure down in other to be understandable by the reader and one who wishes to produce the liquid disinfectant under my guide.

Benefit of disinfectant

Its main benefit is that it protects the human body against diseases, rashes, and germs. One can make lot money after the production these products. You can be an instructor to others who wish to learn the procedure from you.

Material and Quantity

The following reagents is use to produce Detergents, Liquid soaps, Antiseptics in small and large quantity depending on the scale you wish to produce

  1. Chlorozynol ¼ lucozade bottle
  2. Carbolic acid 1/6 lucozade bottle
  3. Methanol 2 lucozade bottle
  4. Palm oil ¼ milk cup
  5. Calamich (colorant) 10ml

Production Process

  • In a gallon or any plastic container, put the 2 bottles of methanol and shake or stir.
  • Add the carbolic acid and stir.
  • Add chlorozynol and stir/shake well.
  • Add the calamich/brown colour to your taste and shake well or stir properly.
  • Then package in a desired container

Following the procedure above one can produce good and harmless disinfectant for personal or public use. For public use, the quantity of the material will be increased depending on the desired quantity needed.

I hope that this teaching have gone a better way to you learn how to produce Detergents, Liquid soaps, Antiseptics in small and large quantity.

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